Isla Arlene

"C'ead Mile Failte" A hundred thousand welcomes! Thank you for taking the time to stop by. This blog is created with the intent to inform our friends and family as each step is taken on Isla's journey. Big thanks to everyone who has supported and will support us as we travel down this unknown road.
Much love.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A mother's instinct...

I am a little neurotic at times, I admit, but aren't we all? I have had many irrational fears in my lifetime and pregnancy was like a moth to a flame. One irrational fear (or so I was told) that I had was cleft lips and palates. I have no idea why and I am not making this up! I have witnesses!
I couldn't shake the fear of a cleft lip. My friends thought I was crazy. It is not that I particularly thought that my baby would have a cleft lip, I was just afraid of them, if that makes any sense. I would see those commercials and just feel so sad for those children.
Skip ahead to the "big" ultrasound...It's a girl!!! We were so excited and hearing those words made it so real!
As the ultrasound technician was doing her thing and checking that the baby bean had all her parts I asked randomly "Can you see a cleft lip or palate at this stage?" Again, I didn't think she would have one, I was really just curious more than anything else. "Why?" she asked "Does it run in your family?" "Nope, just wondering." I replied.
Funny, I had asked. She assured me that she didn't see anything out of the ordinary but our stubborn daughter would not move her hands away from her face, therefor the tech could not get a good look and could not check off on her list that all parts of the anatomy were accounted for.
After a very long 2 weeks I was back in the chair, mostly just excited to get a whole new strip of ultrasound pictures and still a bit anxious even though she assured me that she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She rechecked the tiny body in my belly and declared her perfect. No cleft lip or palate she assured me.
I didn't give it another thought until the words were spoken in the operating room.
Isla was born with a unilateral cleft lip and a cleft palate.

1 comment:

  1. Becky...

    Just this morning I saw your email announcing the blog. I was not prepared for such a beautiful work. It has left me blubbering for the last half hour.

    Tomorrow is your birthday. Yet, you have given us a gift--your thoughts and emotions. I am so very, very proud of you.

    That pride extends, of course, to Nate--most of all--to beautiful Isla.

    I did not realize the true extent of your writing skills. You have communicated to us all your inner feelings and I for one am very thankful for this gift.

    I believe you know that your family and friends are with and behind you, Nate and Isla--always.

    Thank you Petunia a/k/a Tunes.

    Your dad.
